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‘The Amateur Minigolf Tournament' in Pukarags resort complex

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The previous year tradition is going to recreate, - ‘The Amateur Minigolf Tournament' will take place in May, 1st in Pukarags resort complex. The meeting place has not been changed - you are welcome to visit Papes national park at the Baltic Seaside.
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"Pukarags" - guest house, recreation centre
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Pape (Village)


This event had been organized in such manner so everybody would spend spring holidays in the most original and interesting way. The participants will be able to compete among themselves as well as the best Latvian masters. In order to promote minigolf the Latvian national minigolf team presents a quite rare opportunity of playing the game with professional players. In the tournament such leading minigolf players will participate like Dace Kuptse-Krievina, the eightfold Latvian champion; Madara Kirshe, the European champion among juniors of 2007; Artis Kaufmanis, the manyfold Latvian champion; Verners Kirshs, the Latvian champion and trainer of Latvian national minigolf team as well as other professionals. 

‘Last year ‘The Amateur Minigolf Tournament' raised a great interest and gathered plenty of those who enjoy spending time at nature. The majority of our guests came with their families. It goes without saying that people like going out from the polluted city and relax actively at nature - moreover, in a beautiful and ecologically clean place. We had received a lot of positive and enthusiastic reviews, thus we decided to organize this event annually,' - Verners Kirshs, the trainer of Latvian national minigolf team and one of the tournament organizers said.

Along with the Pukarags tournament, the season of Pukarags campsites will be opened on 1st May. At the territory of camsites football, volleyball and streetball grounds are also available.

Naturally, aside from the tournament, you will be able:

  • to have unforgettable relax at the seaside,
  • to admire beautiful landscapes and wildlife of the Nature Park "Papes",
  • to play some other sports games, such as volleyball or basketball,
  • to make barbeque in the grillhouse.

The grand opening of Pukarags Minigolf Tournament and the new season of campsites will take place in May, 1st at 12:00 a.m. In April, 30th starting from 10:00 a.m. you can take part in training games. Participation fee - 1 lat. If you have more questions about the tournament please feel free to contact Verners Kirshs by phone: 29265644.

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