Ilukstes County

Subate St. George Evangelic Lutheran Church
The Lutheran Church of Subate, which was built in 1685., has the special place in the history of art in Latvia. At the first, its architecture is totally different from the traditional architecture of churches_
Ilukste Lutheran Church
The Lutheran Church in Ilūkste (1865), it was damaged during in the zig-zag lines of history several times. The church was damaged during the First World War, later it was rebuilt for parish money (1928)._
Bebrene Roman Catholic Church
In Bebrenes St. Jāņa Kristītāja Roman Catholic Church architecture is felt classicism styles features. It is built in 1797. - 1833. The Church and near built Bebrenes estate castle (1896.) is placed_
Dviete flood-lands
Ilukste Orthodox Church