Sakas Parish

Akmenraga Lighthouse
Along a sandy dune road, go to Akmeņrags and its 35 m tall lighthouse. The first lighthouse on this location was built in 1884, then destroyed during WWI and rebuilt in 1921.
Minde Windmill
Saka - Leja Evangelic Lutheran Church
Built in ca 1560 at the location of once existing Port of Saka. Inside the church there is a ship model which is more than 170 years old – it was supposed to protect the seafarers from death. Only_
Pinnas (God) Sacrificial Stone
It dates back to the 13th century,. It is an outstanding sample of a bowl-shape offering stones.  The diameter of the bowl – ca 60 cm, depth – ca 15 cm. The water accumulating in the bowl_
Saliena Evangelic Lutheran Church