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Dundagas County

County Map of Latvia - Latvian Counties 
Akmenkalns Devil's Foot Stone
Length - 5,6 m, width - 4,0 m, height up to 3,3 m, circumference – 17,3 m, volume 40,5 m³. Granite, boulder divided in three parts. Ancient border mark. This boulder could be linked to some paganic_
Pitragupe river banks
Slitere Lighthouse
Dundaga Castle
  The Dundaga Manor-Castle was built in the 13th century on the artificial islet. It was the castella type castle of Riga Dom-capitul with the small forepart of the castle that with the time converged_
Dundaga Baptist Church
Fishermen Boat Cemetery
Kolka Christ's Rebirth Orthodox Church
Kolka is only libian town, where in the year of 1890 orthodox church was built.
Jusulejas secular stone
Length 5,9 m, width 5,1 m, height 2,9 m, circumference 18,0 m, volume 60 m³. Located on the ancient seabed, standing on smaller boulders. Smooth, rosy granite.
Zartapu coomb
Waterfall is made unusual by the colors of exposed rocks - maroon and livid coloured argillac dolomite. These are the oldest exposed rocks in Latvia belonging to the early Devonian period. Argillac dolomite_
Swedish Ditch Waterfall
Dundaga Evangelic Lutheran Church
The church was built in 1766 thanks to benefactor Barons Karls fon der Osten-Sakens. The beautifully toned organ was made by Ansis Dinsber
Kolka Horn - Farthest North Point of Kurzeme
Mazirbe Evangelic Lutheran Church
Mazirbe Lutheran Church has been standing on the sea-cost since 1766. The 40 meters tall church spire has always helped ships to locate their voyage exact position in the Straights or Irbe. The altar was_
Kolka Evangelic Lutheran Church
The foundation of this stone church was built by Dundaga Manor owner K
Print verssion
Peldanga Labyrinth (Liepniekvalka Caves)
Talsi district, Dundaga municipality, right bank of Peldanga stream, 500 m upstreams from Dundaga - Gibzde road, in the forest;
Complex system of passages with 5 entrances. Total length exceeds 70_
Zeltapses (Golden Asp) Boulder, Upsits
Svetmeitu kambari (Holy maid's chambers)
Valpene Pyramid
Kolka Lighthouse
Kolka Roman Catholic Church
Pitrags Baptist Church

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