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Earlier this was one cave with two branches. The entrance collapsed in 19th century and now there are two smaller caves close to each other - Big and Little Sacrifice caves. Big sacrifice cave was considered to be the longest cave in Latvia for some while. Cave has been mentioned in 1641 already. Archaeological excavations took place in 1973, organised by J. Urtans. Those were the first archaeological excavations in latvian cave. Main discoveries were made in the smaller cave. Big Sacrifice cave is very narrow. Little Sacrifice cave has got many “Devil's chimneys” - unusual, deep hollows. Their depth is up to several metres while the diameter - just 10 cm. Inside the smaller cave there are the oldest dated cliff inscriptions in Latvia - 1664 (two sites) and 1667. Archaeological excavations bear witness about sacrifices made here in 14th - 19th centuries. There were found 628 coins and 35 other artefacts
Interesting objects around
4.7 km Sight place Sighting place
6.1 km Manor development Vecsalaca Manor
6.3 km Chapel Baron Sepulchre
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Religion, cult Nature
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