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Articles > Events

VI Baltic Medieval festival in Valmiera

Visited 2889 times
In Valmiera town, 11 to 12 of June the Sixt Baltic medieval festival took place. Contrary to the previous years, when the festival was organised in Cesis town, not only the place was a subject for change but also the overall scenario of the event - this time the main emphasis was laid on involvement of the public in the life of a real, living medieval town.

The main and uniting motive of the 5th Baltic medieval festival was visitation of a feudal court in the medieval town of Valmiera, traditionally including also a number of other activities - battle re-enactments, tournament duels and medieval market. But those who really made the day were musicians, singers and dancers, turning the festival into real celebration of living medieval spirit.

The bishop's appointed Fogt arrived in the town with his companions and sergeants to judge both the citizens of the town and local peasants. By the help of his devoted scribe Fogt tried different cases and in the name of Law and his highness bishop of Riga punished the trespassers, offenders and evil magicians. Any conflicts or disputes between the participants or members of the public could be and were successfully solved by the highly honourable and just judge. The court was ready to accept pleas from any citizen of the town or a guest and offered it's generous judgements.

There was a noble lady accused of practising witchcraft, but she was eventually saved from the already burning stake by a jaunty knight. This resolved into a wide scale battle, as there were some vassals, who opposed the Fogt's deeds within this part of the bishopric. But they didn't manage to take over, so there is still a fair hope to see the honourable Fogt arriving in the town next year as well.

And sure, there was the tournament and it's main prize, for a second year in succession gained by a noble knight Askold from "Duel Dance" (Byelorussia). In the archery range, on his turn, Eduard from "Excalibur" (Latvia) proved to be the most skilled in the arts.

There were 350 participants altogether in the festival, representing the following historical re-enactment clubs: Livonensis, Comturea Winda, Die Kompanie des Heiligen Mauritius, Excalibur, Trejasmens, Vilka

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