Manor development

Mola (Viski) Manor

+371 65472163
Vishki  > Vishku par. > Daugavpils county > Latgale reg.
It was formed at the end of 19. century. The estate castle was placed in the centre of village in our days (behind the first study building of Višķu professional secondary school, in the direction of pond). It was castle with 2 towers. After the 1. World War the building burnt. It belonged to Hermanis and Liticija Moļi. In their possession was 18 half estates with 4000 ha earth. The earth was rented or it was in possession of landlords. Till our days are stayed barn, cattleshed, two storied dwelling house, where for a long years was study building of Višķi agricultural technical school.
Interesting objects around
Manor development
Viski manor
Viski park 237 m
Antic graveyard
Viski antic graveyard 636 m
Viski 709 m
Viski Parish Council 1.2 km
Antic graveyard
Sponi ancient burial ground 1.4 km
Spogi 1.5 km
Viski St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church 6 1.8 km
Prayer house
Danisheuka Old Believer Prayer House 4 2.0 km
Sight place
Sighting place 2.2 km
Antic graveyard
Pipiri ancient burial ground 2.2 km
Danisheuka St. Peter and Pavil The Apostles Church 1 2.3 km
Sight place
Sight place 2.3 km
Memorial Stone to the Jewish Holocoust Victims 1 2.4 km
Pipari (Pepper) Hill 2.5 km
Nearest in category(-ies):
Culture, history
Manor development
Viski manor
Memorial Stone to the Jewish Holocoust Victims
Castle mound, hillfort
Svilishkas hillfort
Monument to The Polish Soldiers Killed in Latvian Freedom Fights
Castle mound, hillfort
Maskovska hillfort