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Object of interestBar

Filmtown "Cinevilla"

"Vidusvecvagari" > Slampes par.  > Tukuma county  > Riga reg.
+371 67754647
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Post Museum

 “Cinevilla” Backlot is the only open-iar permanent film sets in Latvia. It gives the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes of filmmaking, actually to experience it vividly yourself.
“Cinevilla” Backlot is the only town in Latvia, where it is possible to experience the typical features of city life of the 20th century, where there are fragments of three bridges side by side, a church, cobbled stone squares with a tram crossing them and even a small river with a ship on  it . This is a special town, which received the prestige award of the Best New Cultural Tourism Product of State Agency on Tourism Development.

It would be hard to find a place in the world, where three remarkable bridges are standing side by side! The bridges of “Cinevila” Backlot are copies of real bridges that used to be in Riga up to the beginning of the 20th century. The bridges are successful combinations of solid and imitation materials. However they give a good impression about the architecture of those times. There is a “fragment” of a river made with a ship on it, exactly as it was in Riga in the beginning of the 20th century.

In “Cinevilla” Backlot there is arsenal of armoured cars, trucks and other vehicles and armament. Of course, the armoured cars and cannons are dangerous only in the films. Although those vehicles, cannons and armoured cars are precise copies of the military technique of WWI, made according to the archive photographs, they are just props made by skilful hands of prop designers.
In “Cinevilla” Backlot there are more than 40 fundamental decorations and about 20 moveable decorations and props, which all are made according to archive photographs of the beginning of the 20th century. 
In “Cinevilla” Backlot you will find many interesting facts about the history of the 20th century, see the buildings that do not exist any more and experience the unique spirit of both – historical site and film decoration.
There is a possibility to take up the role of a soldier of the WWI and troop under the leadership of a colonel, to walk the city streets accompanied by guide, have a delicious meal and buy few souvenirs in a market.

Welcome to “Cinevilla” Backlot!

Object of interestNature park
Tervete Nature Park (Tervetes par.)
Architectural recordTheatre
Latvian National Theatre (Riga, 2 Kronvalda boulv., Riga, LV–1010)
Architectural recordTheatre
National Opera of Latvia (Riga, Aspazijas Blvd., 3 )
Warrior (Riga)
MuseumArchitectural recordPalace
Rundale Palace (Rundales par., Pilsrundale)
Nature park
Slitere National Park (Dundagas par.)
Turaida Castle (Krimuldas par.)
Geological object
Veczemju Cliff ( Mantini Cliff ), Red Cliff (Salacgrivas rural area par.)
Sight place
Sighting place on Jurkalne steep sea coast (Jurkalnes par., Jurkalne)
Geological object
Zvartes Rock (Drabeshu par.)
Araishi Museum Park (Drabeshu par.)
St. John Church (Cesis)
Outdoor Art ObjectParkMemorial
(Kokneses par., Koknese)
Architectural recordCurch
Aglona Basilica (Aglonas par., Aglona)
Restricted areaSight place
"Daugava Bends" (Salienas par.)

Nearest in category(-ies):
Sightseeing, tours Catering
214 m Museum Post Museum
5.2 km Guest housesCaffe "Sanders"
9.2 km Bar "Smardes krogs"
9.9 km MuseumPalace Durbe Castle
10.3 km Caffe "Stopins"
10.3 km Caffe "Merkurs"
10.4 km Caffe "Kare"
10.4 km Caffe "Elizabete"
10.4 km Caffe "Mikelitis"
10.5 km Caffe "Runcis & Co"
10.5 km Caffe "Ievina"
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