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Special Offers at Avalon Hotel Riga
Special Offers at Avalon Hotel Riga
Stay 4 nights and pay for 3 nightsTravel period: September 26th, 2010 till April 30th, 2011

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David's Mill Spring Waterfalls
You can park the car on the side where the big gate is. Walk thru...
WorldTraveller (Dana Barrett)
20.12.2020 19:52
David's Mill Spring Waterfalls
It was hard to get there. Did not know if I can just pass by the ...
WorldTraveller (Dana Barrett)
21.08.2018 19:49
Karli Niche
There is no Niche to see. Some part along the river collapsed. Ma...
WorldTraveller (Dana Barrett)
19.08.2018 21:59
Ainavas antic graveyard
dont bother going there. nothing to see but woods...
WorldTraveller (Dana Barrett)
19.08.2018 21:57
Jodupites greater waterfall
Could not get to it either. If someone has more infos on how to g...
WorldTraveller (Dana Barrett)
19.08.2018 21:44
Lateral Waterfalls of the Great Kautraka Coomb
Tried to get to it. It was impossible to find though I got the gp...
WorldTraveller (Dana Barrett)
19.08.2018 21:42
Gulbju Rock (Swan Rock)
You cannot see it by walking the trail. But in summer 2018, the...
WorldTraveller (Dana Barrett)
17.08.2018 09:27
Karli Niche
How do you get to it? On the left side of the river it is impossi...
WorldTraveller (Dana Barrett)
17.08.2018 09:24
Liepavots Spring Waterfall
anyone got infos where this is?...
WorldTraveller (Dana Barrett)
12.08.2018 16:13
Swedish ancient burial ground
Is it really here? Look at google satelite. There is only a priva...
WorldTraveller (Dana Barrett)
11.08.2018 22:28
Archaeological Trail near river Amata
If the "Amata Geological Trail" is meant, then you can start your...
WorldTraveller (Dana Barrett)
11.08.2018 21:24
Amata waterfall near Smides
This location is not findable as it is on PRIVATE PROPERTY. Water...
WorldTraveller (Dana Barrett)
11.08.2018 21:11
Bruna Cave
Do not use those GPS info on the interactive map. It is wrong!!...
WorldTraveller (Dana Barrett)
11.08.2018 21:08
Bauska Castle, Castle Ruins
01.08.2011 06:38
"The Art of Romance"
I had got a desire to make my organization, however I didn't have...
11.11.2010 07:19
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