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Kurzeme Region

County Map of Latvia - Latvian Counties 
The oldest wooden building in Kurzeme
Masonry Bridge over River Venta in Kuldiga
Pelci Manor
 Architectural ensamble of the manor complex developed at the end of the 19th century. Coachman House, Servants' House, Ice Cellar and other household buildings were erected in 19th century. Red_
Ivande manor
Building of the manor-complex developed mainly at the 18th century. Complex includes classicism style manor-house, stables and granary dated with end of the 18th century. The new Neo-classicism style manor-house_
Alsunga castle
Rose Square
Jurmala park
Duke Jacob's Court drugstore
Historical Centre around Aleksupite river
Padure Manor
Padure manor complex consist of some original 18th century household buildings and the Late Classicism style manor-house built in the 1st half of the 19th century. There has preserved original Empire style_
Edole Evangelic Lutheran Church
Prison of Naval Port
St. Anna Evangelic Lutheran Church
St.Anna’s Church is the oldest church in Liepāja. It was first mentioned in the historic record in 1508 and the present church was consecrated in its present location in 1587. Despite the pleasant_
Czar Peter I maisonette
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Liepajas street
Black Kolka
Nabes lakes
Dundaga Evangelic Lutheran Church
The church was built in 1766 thanks to benefactor Barons Karls fon der Osten-Sakens. The beautifully toned organ was made by Ansis Dinsber
Seaside Northern Forts
St. Joseph catholic cathedral
It used to be a very small church, but in the 19th century it was reconstructed to its present size and shape. The side chapel to the left has remained unchanged from the 18th century. Above it you can_
Kalpaka (swing) Bridge
Season's novelty

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